Important Voting Reminder: No Ballot Selfies Allowed in South Carolina

Important Voting Reminder: No Ballot Selfies Allowed in South Carolina

COLUMBIA, S.C. – Important Voting Reminder for Voters!

If you’re heading to the polls in Columbia, South Carolina, soon for the general election, there’s something you need to know. The South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED) has issued a friendly reminder that taking a photo of your ballot—often referred to as a ballot selfie—is a big no-no in the Palmetto State! Yes, while it might seem like a harmless way to share your voting experience, sharing that precious moment could land you in some hot water.

What You Can and Cannot Do at the Polls

SLED spokesperson Renée Wunderlich made it clear on Friday that there are strict laws in place regarding what voters can do once they step inside the voting booth. Under Section 7-25-100 of South Carolina law, several actions are prohibited:

  • Allowing your ballot to be seen: Keep your choices private!
  • Removing a ballot from a polling place: Don’t take your ballot on a field trip!
  • Marking a ballot in a way that allows it to be identified: Your vote is your secret!
  • Bringing any mechanical device to mark your ballot: No tech toys allowed!
  • Staying longer than your time allows: Let’s keep the lines moving!

Not only that, but other actions like interfering with another voter, marking someone else’s ballot, or trying to persuade or influence another voter are also against the law. It’s all about ensuring that everyone has a fair and hassle-free voting experience.

What Happens If You Break the Rules?

Now, you might be wondering, what if someone decides to ignore these rules? The consequences aren’t something to take lightly. If you violate any of these laws, you could be facing a fine of up to $100 or even up to a year in prison. Yikes! That’s definitely not a way to celebrate your civic duty.

The Bright Side

While snapping a shot of your ballot or showing it off to friends might seem like a fun idea, think of all the wonderful ways you can celebrate your vote without risking legal trouble. Instead of a ballot selfie, why not share a picture of you rocking your “I Voted” sticker? Now, that’s something everyone can enjoy! Plus, you might just inspire others to head to the polls, too.

So remember, as you prepare to cast your vote this Tuesday, keep your phone in your pocket and your ballot a secret. It’s all part of protecting our democratic process and ensuring that everyone’s votes remain confidential and sacred.

Wrapping It Up

Voting is an essential part of being an active citizen in our society, and South Carolina is keen on making sure everything goes smoothly for everyone involved. By staying informed and following these guidelines, not only do we respect the law, but we also help make our electoral process fairer for all.

So, with that in mind, get ready to make your voice heard and vote wisely, Columbia! Let’s make this election a memorable one—without the ballot selfies!

Important Voting Reminder: No Ballot Selfies Allowed in South Carolina

Author: HERE Irmo


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