Detectives Seek Information on Alleged Fraudster in Lexington

Fraud suspect CCTV footage

Detectives Seek Information on Alleged Fraudster in Lexington

In a quest to solve a case of credit card fraud, the Lexington Police Department is turning to the public for assistance. They wish to identify an individual believed to be involved in a fraudulent credit card transaction of almost $5,000 at a local Best Buy outlet.

Incident Details

The suspect, whose photograph was released by the Lexington Police Department, is said to have used a fraudulent credit card on March 28, 2024 at the Best Buy store located on Sunset Boulevard in Lexington. The incident came to light when the victim reported unauthorized transactions on their credit card statements. The suspect’s picture was captured on the store’s CCTV cameras during the transaction.

Call for Public Assistance

If anyone has any lead regarding the identity or whereabouts of the individual in the picture, they are urged to immediately reach out to the Lexington Police Department. Detective Davis, who is heading the investigation, can be contacted at 803-358-7271. Alternatively, you can email Detective Davis at

Security Precautions

While the investigation takes place, residents are reminded to exercise caution with their personal and financial information. Credit card users, in particular, are advised to regularly review their bank statements for any unfamiliar transactions. It is always recommended to report any suspicious activities immediately to the financial institution and law enforcement agencies.

As the investigation is still ongoing, the Lexington Police Department has assured the public that stringent security measures have been put in place to deter any similar incidents.

Detectives Seek Information on Alleged Fraudster in Lexington

Author: HERE Irmo

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