Columbia Couple Fights Mesothelioma and Seeks Justice Against Johnson & Johnson

Hopeful couple embracing

COLUMBIA — A Heartfelt Journey of Hope Amidst Challenge

On the sunny streets of Columbia, a bittersweet story of courage and love is unfolding. Michael Perry, a resident of Johns Island, has been fighting an unimaginable battle against mesothelioma, a rare and aggressive form of lung cancer, since his diagnosis in 2023. As he navigates the complexities of his terminal illness, Perry shares an incredibly moving journey that resonates with many.

A Life-Changing Diagnosis

Michael’s story took a dark turn when he fell ill with COVID-19 in January 2023. What he initially thought was a manageable illness spiraled into a devastating revelation six months later when doctors diagnosed him with mesothelioma. “I didn’t see it coming at all,” he shared, his voice heavy with emotion. Doctors estimated he had a mere 6 to 18 months left to live, a timeline that weighed heavily on Michael and his loving partner, Lonnie Long.

For many, such news would be overwhelming, yet Perry, at the age of 54, chose a different path. Rather than being consumed by despair, he identified a key priority: seeking justice for himself and his family. Michael, who had used Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder throughout his life, came to believe that the asbestos in those products played a significant role in his illness.

The Legal Battle

Inspired to take a stand, Perry and Long decided to sue Johnson & Johnson. They claimed the company was aware of the dangers linked to their talc-based products but continued to sell them anyway. The couple hired law firms from both Columbia and Dallas to handle their case. As the trial date approached, Michael faced severe anxiety. “What will they say? Am I going to be labeled a liar?” These were fears that haunted him.

When the day finally arrived, Perry took the stand, reliving the painful memories of the past year while facing intense cross-examination. “It wasn’t just a trial; it felt like a nightmare,” he explained. However, after 1.5 hours of testimony and a two-week trial, a Richland County jury returned with a verdict that many wouldn’t forget any time soon. They awarded Perry and Long $63.4 million, a glaring statement against negligence.

Facing Uncertainty

Despite the significant verdict, the path forward is still fraught with uncertainty for the couple. Johnson & Johnson has already filed an appeal against the ruling, meaning that even after the triumph, the long road to financial security remains ahead of them. “Even if we win, the money would take years to reach us,” said Perry. “I don’t have that much time.”

As they await the outcome of the appeals, Perry and Long focus on the precious moments they have left. “We’re trying to live life to the fullest,” said Perry, who described fishing trips and dreams of sailing as items on their bucket list. They cherish quiet evenings at home with their two Havanese dogs, Abraham and Keziah, resting on their laps, reminding them of life’s simple joys.

Hope Against the Odds

Even as the clock ticks away, there is a glimmer of hope. Michael remains passionately vocal about raising awareness of the dangers of asbestos and the accountability of brands like Johnson & Johnson. “I want my voice to be heard; this isn’t just about me,” he asserted firmly.

With each passing day, Michael and Lonnie make memories that will last a lifetime. With plans for more fishing trips and a heartfelt Christmas celebration, they embrace every moment, determined to bring light into a challenging situation. “It’s bittersweet,” Perry admitted, “But I want to hold onto every single day.”

This story serves as a powerful reminder of resilience, love, and the unwavering human spirit in the face of life’s greatest challenges. As Columbia watches, the community rallies around a couple dedicated to making the most of the time they have left.

Columbia Couple Fights Mesothelioma and Seeks Justice Against Johnson & Johnson

Author: HERE Irmo

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