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News Summary The South Carolina House has approved a $14 billion budget after extensive debates that lasted nearly 20 hours.…
News Summary A lawsuit filed by the family of Jared Ondrea reveals disturbing events at a Columbia care home, involving…
News Summary The DIY music venue, Commie House, is closing its doors in Columbia, SC, following allegations of discrimination. The…
News Summary Amari Smith, 24, has been sentenced to 30 years in prison for his role in the Columbiana Mall…
News Summary A 63-year-old former caregiver, Doris Williams Nash, was arrested for abusing a vulnerable adult at the Midlands Regional…
News Summary Columbia residents, particularly those at The Wellsprings Apartments, are under a boil water advisory due to an eight-inch…
News Summary Tyler D. Helms from Lexington County faces serious charges after allegedly making threats against a public official and…
News Summary A devastating fire consumed a trailer home in Columbia, S.C. on March 10, 2025, around 4:20 p.m. Thankfully,…
News Summary A 47-year-old Irmo man, Travis Lang, has been indicted by a federal grand jury for threatening President Donald…
News Summary The University of South Carolina has introduced autonomous food delivery robots on its campus, collaborating with Grubhub to…