Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office Warns Residents of Law Enforcement Officer Impersonation Scam

Law enforcement phone scam

Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office Warns Residents of Law Enforcement Officer Impersonation Scam

In South Carolina, the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office has raised an alarm over a scam in which potential fraudsters are posing as law enforcement officers. The Sheriff’s Office has received several reports over the past weeks from community members who claim they were solicited by an individual pretending to be associated with the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office. The scammer demanded payment for fines or penalties related to a missed jury duty or other legal obligations.

No Phone Solicitations for Payments

In response to these reports, the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office wants to remind its residents that they never solicit payments for fines or penalties related to criminal matters via telephone. Anyone who receives such a call is urged to terminate the conversation promptly.

Community members who have doubts about the authenticity of a call are advised to ask for a call-back number and reach out to the Sheriff’s Office for verification. Under no circumstances should personal or banking information be given to callers with whom a confirmable relationship has not been established.

Scams in Beaufort County

This latest impersonation scam puts a highlight on the need for constant vigilance from the residents to avoid falling into such fraudster’s traps. The Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office remains dedicated to ensuring the safety of its residents and discourages the community from making any payments over the telephone unless they are absolutely sure of the caller’s authenticity.

Beaufort County Sheriff's Office Warns Residents of Law Enforcement Officer Impersonation Scam

Author: HERE Irmo

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