Residents at Columbia’s Willow Run Apartments Struggle Amid Mold Infestation and Neglect

Moldy apartment interior

COLUMBIA, S.C. – Living in a Moldy Nightmare

No one ever imagines that the place they call home could turn into a nightmare, but that’s exactly what a group of tenants at the Willow Run Apartments in Columbia has been experiencing since June. It’s hard to believe that in this day and age, families would have to contend with such unhealthy living conditions, but for many residents, that’s their reality.

What’s Going On?

Take Portia Mack, for instance. She moved into Willow Run in September 2023, hoping to find a cozy place for her and her two kids. Instead, she found herself battling an overwhelming infestation of mold and bacteria. “Me and my children are suffering. We’re living in this mold-infested apartment, with gnats and flies. And it’s just water everywhere,” Portia shared, her voice filled with frustration.

It all started this past June when there was significant water damage in her unit, along with several others in the complex. “You see how the floors are wet right now when you walk? That’s what we started to see,” she explained while pointing to the soaked floors. Fast forward four months, and the situation has only worsened. The standing water hasn’t gone anywhere, and mold has crept up three feet along the walls, right next to where her two-year-old daughter once played. It’s a mother’s worst fear.

Attempts to Get Help

Portia’s neighbor attempted to alert management to the situation, but her concerns largely fell on deaf ears. “They didn’t believe her until the property manager and maintenance came out and saw all the water,” Mack noted, illustrating the struggles residents face when trying to advocate for their health and safety.

While the complex did offer to relocate Portia’s neighbor, there were no available units for Portia and her children. Feeling exasperated and desperate, Portia decided to take action. “I just had enough of it and I emailed the Chief of Code Enforcement last night. They came right out, in less than 24 hours,” she said, relieved that help was finally on the way.

Urgent Action Taken

The code enforcement team made a visit to Portia’s apartment, and the outcome was swift. “I was told I had 24 hours to vacate my apartment,” she recalled. While a wave of relief washed over her, it was soon followed by anxiety. “I’m like, ‘Where are they going to put us?’” Portia expressed, clearly worried about the unknown.

A Response from Code Enforcement

In the midst of this chaos, we reached out to the City of Columbia Code Enforcement. They informed us through a spokesperson that the apartment manager was making arrangements for residents affected by the mold issues, providing some hope for those needing immediate assistance.

However, the silence from the Willow Run Apartments and their management company, Beacon Property Services, has been deafening. When asked why it took months of complaints and a visit from code enforcement to finally address Portia and her family’s plight, messages sent to both the complex and the management company went unanswered. The community is left wondering how they allowed this situation to persist for so long.

The Bigger Picture

As Portia and other residents reflect on their experiences, it raises concerns about the overall accountability of landlords and property management companies. Everyone deserves a safe, clean place to live, especially families with young children. It’s essential that issues like these are addressed promptly to prevent further health risks for residents.

As the situation unfolds, one can only hope for a resolution that prioritizes the well-being of the affected families. For now, the residents of Willow Run Apartments can take comfort in knowing that their voices are being heard, and perhaps, they’ll finally be able to enjoy a safe home once more.

Residents at Columbia's Willow Run Apartments Struggle Amid Mold Infestation and Neglect

Author: HERE Irmo

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